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제목 2020년도 제12회 대한퇴행성신경질환학회 온라인학술대회 우수 포스터 발표상 수상자 명단
작성자 관리자 등록일 2020-12-20 조회수 421
소속 이름 제목
KBRI 복유진 Elucidating the role of Apolipoprotein E genotype on the propagation of Tau
서울대 김서현 A study on the endo-lysosomal pathology in Alzheimer’s disease
연세대 신지수 A novel 7/10/6-tricyclic dilactone, rhizolutin, dissociates Aβ and tau aggregates, leading to reduced apoptosis/inflammation associated with Alzheimer’s disease
IBS 주연하 PyrPeg, a Blood-Brain-Barrier Penetrating Two-Photon Imaging Probe, Selectively Detects Neuritic Plaques, Not Tau Aggregates
가천대 박현준 Therapeutic potential of repeated intravenous transplantation of human adipose-derived stem cells in subchronic MPTP-induced Parkinson’s disease mouse model
UNIST 이병은 The critical role of O-GlcNAcylation in dopamine neuron function, survival, and degeneration in health and Parkinson’s disease
부산대 이슬아 Neuroprotective effects of usnic acid on the MPTP-induced Parkinson’s disease model by suppressing neuroinflammation
아주대 박희환 Dual functional hydrogel system creating new ECM to prevent tissue defect with sustained release of arylsulfatase B to modulate fibrotic microenvironment following spinal cord injury
동아대 김혜란 Role of Autophagy in Peripheral Sensory Neuron Development and Regeneration
성균관대 김혜진 Different neuroimaging findings in a cohort of CMT patients with GDAP1 mutations
서울대 김문항 Dual role of microglias in demyelination on Neuromyelitis optica (NMO)-like mouse model
가천대 김진호 Interleukin-17 induced by cumulative mild stress promoted depression-like behaviors in young adult mice


  • 13554 경기도 성남시 분당구 정자일로 248
  • Tel : 02-3668-7844
  • E-mail : office.ksnd@gmail.com

  • 상호명 : 대한퇴행성신경질환학회
  • 회장 : 성정준
  • 등록번호 : 101-82-65597